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MoveOn (and I wish they would)

By Michael J. Smith on Tuesday December 6, 2005 02:35 PM

In the wake of Lowell Weicker's wonderful monkey wrench in the Connecticut works, the stupefyingly pathetic MoveOn.org has timorously allowed as how it's "kicking around the idea" of -- you guessed it -- a primary challenge to Lieberman.

I'm trying to think of an analogy. Guy's getting beaten up by a gang of thugs. Says nothing, doesn't defend himself. After half an hour or so of bone-crunching kicks and punches, he starts to wonder -- just internally, mind you; he doesn't say anything -- whether perhaps if this goes on much longer, he might possibly consider complaining about it.

These poor souls at MoveOn and the like really are scared of their own shadow. The only thing that will get the War Democrats' attention is a third-party peace line in the general election. But the pwo-gwessives are as petrified of that idea as a little bird confronted by a cobra.

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