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Breakin' out of the blogsphere

By Michael J. Smith on Saturday December 31, 2005 01:23 PM

Yours truly has a longish piece at onlinejournal.com today. With characteristic perversity, I find a lot to like in the one-party state.

Comments (1)

Several short comments:
What a great 'outside the box' essay you have created--my sincere thanks for a great subversive idea and fun read.

I can't wait for the Republican version of it, sure to come soon, I'll bet.

FYI--There is an alternative and almost parallel view which I believe has a much better chance of success in realizing the dreams and aspirations of most of us who believe in the promise and the premise of freedom, peace and justice for all.

The Neither Party ( www.neitherparty.org ) is in the process of organizing a movement which will transcend the politics of division now practiced by both branches of the Republocrats, and can additionally serve to unite many of the less-rabid of third party factions as well.

We believe the fastest way to achieve vital fundamental change is to support only candidates of any party pledging to govern in accordance with the Neither Party dicta, now being member-created.

In that manner, rather than attempting to defeat one or both parties, or attempt to change their corrupted "bought and paid for" positions from within, we can have a unifying, empowering, transformative, and determining influence on all party candidates who have pledged to work for a free and just future.

In races where no candidate will pledge support, we will offer a candidate who will, thus better targeting our resources to achieve specific goals.

We then have the means and the necessary power to hold elected representatives accountable for their decisions, no matter their specific party affiliation.

It is a movement which could easily be forced by the will of the people to morph from movement status, into a party of, by and for the people. As a matter of fact, we are planning on it.

Imagine that....

Thanks again for a good thought-provoking read.
( john_rice@neitherparty.org )
PS. I'd be interested in your comments re above.

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Note also that comments with three or more links may be held for "moderation" -- a strange term to apply to the ghost in this blog's machine. Seems to be a hard-coded limitation of the blog software, unfortunately.


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